UK Regulated Brokers

The United Kingdom has been one of the main financial centers in the world for hundreds of years. The well-known “City” of London became the second financial center in the world, only preceded by New York, and is the first in Europe. The world’s largest forex market is traded in London and a large number of Forex traders and brokers are based there as well. It is a highly consolidated market and proof of this is that despite the arrival of Brexit and the impact that this had on the financial services that the City offers, it maintained its preponderance in the foreign exchange market. The real possibility of another European financial center taking its place is still a long way off. With this in mind, it is very likely that you will find yourself looking for a UK broker if you decide to invest in Forex.

Even so, you will surely have doubts and will ask yourself some questions, such as who regulates the activity? Or what benefits does it offer? Well, the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), is the financial regulatory authority in the United Kingdom and its mission is to supervise financial investment activities in order to guarantee a safe environment for traders and the correct functioning of the market. The best brokers in the UK are regulated by FCA and you will want to check that the one you select is listed on the FCA website before opening an account.

A UK regulated company will give you the opportunity to operate with high standards of reliability and transparency. They have good liquidity providers and offer high security by passing your transactions through the best commercial banks. Furthermore, it offers you the guarantee of segregated client accounts, and compensation of up to £85,000 as a retail trader in the event of your broker’s insolvency, the latter thanks to participation in the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). So, if you are looking for a broker, one that is regulated in the UK is, without a doubt, a great option.

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